Ulanik Sorters
Buy 13 Ulanik sorters online. MontiPlanet.co.uk offers a complete overview of all Montessori Ulanik sorters.`
Before learning complex math, the first thing children need to learn is to sort things based on their characters. The activity helps build their cognitive and hand-eye coordination skills.
Age: 3 Years and Up
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Age: 3 Years and Up
£7.83 Shipping
£7.83 Shipping
Sorter toys are perfect for children 1-2 years old. However, they can be introduced from the age of 6 months and complex ones can still gain their interest as they turn 3.
Age: 3 Years and Up
£6.99 Shipping
£6.99 Shipping
"As soon as children are able to walk, a period begins during which the hands, which are now liberated from the task of helping the body to move, need to be given work." Maria Montessori, Understanding the Human Being