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Wondertivity Little Lamb Busy Book 12-Page Edition

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Age: 3-7 Years
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Montessori Wondertivity Little Lamb Busy Book 12-Page Edition


Watch your little one sing along and act out popular nursery rhymes with the Little Lamb Busy Book. Designed to develop imaginative play, storytelling, and sequencing skills. In addition, every page has at least one unique fine motor activity to conquer. Nursery rhymes include: Humpty Dumpty, 5 Little Speckled Frogs, The Incy Wincy Spider, Old McDonald Had a Farm, BINGO, Rain, Rain Go Away, Hickory Dickory Dock, I'm a Little Teapot, Baa Baa Black Sheep, 1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive, Row, Row Your Boat, and the Alphabet Song. There's an option to personalize the book with engraved wooden letter beads or by adding the name and age pages for that extra special personalized touch. Personalized books are also great for name recognition, spelling, the value of ownership, and individuality. The Little Lamb Busy Book is endorsed and used by pediatric speech and occupational therapists specializing in hand therapy.

Children under the age of 3 must be closely supervised by an adult due to the presence of small parts.

Skills Acquired

Page 1: Humpty Dumpty.
In addition to singing and acting out this classic nursery rhyme, Humpty is a puzzle that can be taken apart and put together again. The outline of each puzzle piece is sewn on the book to help your child maneuver the pieces to the right position.

Page 2: Five Little Speckled Frogs.
This catchy nursery rhyme is great for reinforcing counting to five and counting backward from five. Each of the frogs is a finger puppet, which is excellent for developing fine motor skills and a great tool for imaginary play and storytelling.

Page 3: Incy Wincy Spider.
This nursery rhyme is perfect for sequencing - learning about what comes first, next, and last. The spider moves up and down the water spout, the cloud can be unzipped to let out rain and can be flipped up to reveal some glorious sunshine.

Page 4: Old McDonald had a Farm.
On this farm, old McDonald has five farm animals, which are all finger puppets. There are also ducks in the pond that "swim" up and down the pond. This nursery rhyme is great for learning about farm animals as well as animal sounds. This page presents numerous opportunities to talk about farms and farm animals, including where an animal might like to be on a farm (e.g., the pig loves the muddy puddle, the cow and sheep are enjoying the grassy fields, and the horse is safe behind the fence.)

Page 5: BINGO.
This wonderful nursery rhyme introduces young children to spelling and is also a great game of memory when you clap and gradually omit letters of the name. On this farm, Bingo is held by a buckle, which is intriguing for most little ones and also great for practicing those all-important fine motor skills.

Page 6: It's Raining It's Pouring/Rain, Rain, Go Away.
This page can be used for any weather-related nursery rhyme. The window can show a rainy day or a sunny day (simply flip the felt piece to the other side). The ribbons on the curtain can be tied and untied to open and close the curtains.

Page 7: Hickory Dickory Dock.
In addition to acting out this popular nursery rhyme, you can teach your child all about time as the hands of the clock can be moved. Extend the discussion by talking about what things you do at a particular time (e.g., brush your teeth at 6 pm and get ready for bed by 7 pm).

Page 8: I'm a Little Tea Pot.
This is another wonderful nursery rhyme to practice sequencing with your child. First, the teapot gets steamed up, then it shouts... The teapot is attached by a snap button, which is great for developing hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

Page 9: Baa Baa Black Sheep.
This is an adorable little song that teaches counting to 3 as well as sequencing. This page is a maze, and the aim is to move the three buttons ("wool") into the three bags to make three bags full. This helps develop cognitive skills and is also a fun fine motor exercise that will really test your child's persistence!

Page 10: One, Two, Three, Four Five, Once I Caught a Fish Alive.
One of the best nursery rhymes for children to develop number and counting skills. The fish need to be threaded onto the line. There are ten fish, two of each color, so play can be extended by naming and matching colors, and for a challenge, skip teach your little one to skip count by twos to 10!

Page 11: Row, Row, Row Your Boat.
A wonderful nursery rhyme with quite a few variations. Wondertivity has included a crocodile for the crocodile version. The boy and the girl are removable and can be used as a prop for imaginary play on any of the pages. The crocodile is also a finger puppet.

Page 12: ABC song.
This last page is the ABC song, sing whilst pointing to each of the letters. Each letter is removable, so they can be taken off and rearranged to learn about alphabetical order, phonics, and other letter games.

Age Guide & Size

Age guide: 3-7 years.

Care Instructions

Wipe with a damp cloth.

Safety Note

As with all the books in Wondertivity’s preschooler range, the Little Lamb contains small parts that are securely sewn on, however, please ensure that children under 3 years of age are closely supervised when playing with their busy books.

MontiPlanet Product ID: 37818

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