Montessori Toys, Materials & Furniture

The Materials Company of Boston One Golden Hundred Bead Square


Age: 4-8 Years
£5.50 Shipping
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The golden bead square of 100 is another important Montessori material that helps children learn about numbers. It is a square made up of 100 golden beads, with each bead representing 1. Children can manipulate the beads in the square to see how 100 is made up of smaller numbers. This allows them to visually understand place value and the relationship between ones, tens, and hundreds.

Working with the golden bead square of 100 gives children a concrete way to explore large numbers and practice essential math skills like counting, addition, and subtraction. Using this hands-on material makes learning about 100 and place value much more engaging and effective for young learners.

MontiPlanet Product ID: 37964

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