Montessori Toys, Materials & Furniture

Montessori Walking Activities for 8 Months Old

See all Montessori walking activities for 8 months old. offers a complete overview of all activities with descriptions, benefits and age recommendations. Find all Montessori walking activities for 8 months old.


Age: 8 months-3 Years
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£49.49 £52.77
Age: 8 Months-3 Years
£53.42 Shipping
Age: 8 Months-3 Years
£53.42 Shipping
Age: 6 Months and Up
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Age: 8 Months-3 Years
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Age: 9 Months-3 Years
£6.81 Shipping
Walking allows babies to explore their surroundings and practice how to coordinate moves. It also strengthens their muscles.
Age: 9 Months-3 Years
£74.26 Shipping
Babies may start walking at around 9 to 18 months old.

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