Montessori Toys, Materials & Furniture

Montessori Practical Life Dish Washing Stations for 2 Years Old

Buy 13 practical life dish washing stations for 2 years old online. Compare all brands with the best prices & reviews. offers a complete overview of all Montessori practical life dish washing stations for 2 years old.


Through washing children learn to concentrate. They learn order and sequencing. They gain control over their movements and become more independent.
5-year-olds can be taught how to scrape and rinse their plates. 7-year-olds can help with drying and putting away dishes. By age 9, kids are ready to learn how to wash different types of dishes.
Age: 3 Years and Up
£156.75 Shipping
Age: 2-5 Years
£65.38 Shipping
Age: 18-36 Months
£103.89 Shipping
Age: 18-36 Months
£121.96 Shipping
Age: 18-36 Months
£161.40 Shipping
maria montessori image
"It is to correspond to these needs [for independence] that we prepared an environment proportionate to the size and intelligence of the children, where they could work and achieve independence." Maria Montessori, Citizen of the World

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